DS OVH CPU Xeon CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70GHz


nench.sh v2019.07.20 -- https://git.io/nench.sh
benchmark timestamp: 2022-11-21 13:00:01 UTC

Processor: Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70GHz
CPU cores: 8
Frequency: 3700.310 MHz
RAM: 31Gi
bash: line 156: swapon: command not found
Swap: -
Kernel: Linux 5.4.0-132-generic x86_64

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70GHz
CPU cores: loop0 63.2M HDD
loop1 67.8M HDD
loop2 48M HDD
loop3 49.7M HDD
sda 1.8T HDD
sdb 1.8T HDD

CPU: SHA256-hashing 500 MB
Frequency: 3700.280 MHz
RAM: 31Gi
bash: line 156: swapon: command not found
Swap: -
Kernel: Linux 5.4.0-132-generic x86_64

loop0 63.2M HDD
loop1 67.8M HDD
loop2 48M HDD
loop3 49.7M HDD
sda 1.8T HDD
sdb 1.8T HDD

CPU: SHA256-hashing 500 MB
2.654 seconds
CPU: bzip2-compressing 500 MB
2.679 seconds
CPU: bzip2-compressing 500 MB
4.284 seconds
CPU: AES-encrypting 500 MB
4.291 seconds
CPU: AES-encrypting 500 MB
1.289 seconds

ioping: seek rate
1.308 seconds

ioping: seek rate
min/avg/max/mdev = 163.1 us / 5.23 ms / 186.3 ms / 8.15 ms
ioping: sequential read speed
min/avg/max/mdev = 166.5 us / 4.87 ms / 181.2 ms / 9.41 ms
ioping: sequential read speed
generated 746 requests in 5.06 s, 186.5 MiB, 147 iops, 36.9 MiB/s

dd: sequential write speed
1st run: 46.92 MiB/s
generated 309 requests in 5.44 s, 77.2 MiB, 56 iops, 14.2 MiB/s

dd: sequential write speed
2nd run: 126.84 MiB/s
1st run: 44.73 MiB/s
3rd run: 29.28 MiB/s
average: 67.68 MiB/s

IPv4 speedtests
your IPv4: 188.165.195.xxxx

Cachefly CDN: 2nd run: 70.95 MiB/s
78.19 MiB/s
Leaseweb (NL): 90.91 MiB/s
Softlayer DAL (US): 3rd run: 107.77 MiB/s
average: 74.48 MiB/s

IPv4 speedtests
your IPv4: 188.165.195.xxxx

Cachefly CDN: 81.70 MiB/s
Leaseweb (NL): 93.77 MiB/s
Softlayer DAL (US): 0.00 MiB/s
Online.net (FR): 18.87 MiB/s
OVH BHS (CA): 26.82 MiB/s

IPv6 speedtests
your IPv6: 2001:41d0:2:xxxx

Leaseweb (NL): 0.00 MiB/s
Online.net (FR): 25.82 MiB/s
OVH BHS (CA): 20.40 MiB/s
Softlayer DAL (US): 28.04 MiB/s

IPv6 speedtests
your IPv6: 2001:41d0:2:xxxx

Leaseweb (NL): 0.00 MiB/s
Online.net (FR): 13.82 MiB/s
Softlayer DAL (US): 20.47 MiB/s
OVH BHS (CA): 20.41 MiB/s

0.00 MiB/s
Online.net (FR): 27.15 MiB/s
OVH BHS (CA): 23.00 MiB/s

nench.sh v2019.07.20 -- https://git.io/nench.sh
benchmark timestamp: 2022-11-21 14:00:01 UTC

nench.sh v2019.07.20 -- https://git.io/nench.sh
benchmark timestamp: 2022-11-21 14:00:01 UTC

Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70GHz
CPU cores: 8
Frequency: 3700.275 MHz
RAM: 31Gi
bash: line 156: swapon: command not found
Swap: -
Kernel: Linux 5.4.0-132-generic x86_64

loop0 63.2M HDD
loop1 67.8M HDD
loop2 48M HDD
loop3 49.7M HDD
sda 1.8T HDD
sdb 1.8T HDD

CPU: SHA256-hashing 500 MB
Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70GHz
CPU cores: 8
Frequency: 3700.276 MHz
RAM: 31Gi
bash: line 156: swapon: command not found
Swap: -
Kernel: Linux 5.4.0-132-generic x86_64

loop0 63.2M HDD
loop1 67.8M HDD
loop2 48M HDD
loop3 49.7M HDD
sda 1.8T HDD
sdb 1.8T HDD

CPU: SHA256-hashing 500 MB
2.712 seconds
CPU: bzip2-compressing 500 MB
2.757 seconds
CPU: bzip2-compressing 500 MB
4.359 seconds
CPU: AES-encrypting 500 MB
4.392 seconds
CPU: AES-encrypting 500 MB
1.341 seconds

ioping: seek rate
1.308 seconds

ioping: seek rate
min/avg/max/mdev = 166.0 us / 8.57 ms / 56.1 ms / 9.10 ms
ioping: sequential read speed
min/avg/max/mdev = 170.3 us / 8.97 ms / 242.8 ms / 14.4 ms
ioping: sequential read speed
generated 1.55 k requests in 5.00 s, 387.8 MiB, 309 iops, 77.5 MiB/s

dd: sequential write speed
generated 1.85 k requests in 5.27 s, 463.8 MiB, 352 iops, 88.0 MiB/s

dd: sequential write speed
1st run: 34.62 MiB/s
1st run: 29.56 MiB/s
2nd run: 36.62 MiB/s
2nd run: 36.62 MiB/s
3rd run: 14.88 MiB/s
3rd run: 14.88 MiB/s
average: 28.71 MiB/s

average: 27.02 MiB/s

IPv4 speedtests
IPv4 speedtests
your IPv4: 188.165.195.xxxx

Cachefly CDN: your IPv4: 188.165.195.xxxx

Cachefly CDN: 38.71 MiB/s
Leaseweb (NL): 36.54 MiB/s
Leaseweb (NL): 76.36 MiB/s
Softlayer DAL (US): 42.09 MiB/s
Softlayer DAL (US): 0.00 MiB/s
Online.net (FR): 0.00 MiB/s
Online.net (FR): 65.19 MiB/s
OVH BHS (CA): 15.36 MiB/s
OVH BHS (CA): 23.30 MiB/s

IPv6 speedtests
your IPv6: 2001:41d0:2:xxxx

Leaseweb (NL): 16.12 MiB/s

IPv6 speedtests
your IPv6: 2001:41d0:2:xxxx

Leaseweb (NL): 7.86 MiB/s
Softlayer DAL (US): 18.27 MiB/s
Softlayer DAL (US): 0.00 MiB/s
Online.net (FR): 0.00 MiB/s
Online.net (FR): 17.13 MiB/s
OVH BHS (CA): 7.52 MiB/s
OVH BHS (CA): 14.38 MiB/s

26.58 MiB/s

nench.sh v2019.07.20 -- https://git.io/nench.sh
benchmark timestamp: 2022-11-21 15:00:02 UTC

nench.sh v2019.07.20 -- https://git.io/nench.sh
benchmark timestamp: 2022-11-21 15:00:02 UTC

Processor: Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70GHz
CPU cores: 8
Frequency: 3700.345 MHz
RAM: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70GHz
CPU cores: 8
Frequency: 3700.345 MHz
RAM: 31Gi
bash: line 156: swapon: command not found
bash: line 156: swapon: command not found
Swap: -
Swap: -
Kernel: Kernel: Linux 5.4.0-132-generic x86_64
Linux 5.4.0-132-generic x86_64


loop0 63.2M HDD
loop1 67.8M HDD
loop2 48M HDD
loop3 49.7M HDD
sda 1.8T HDD
sdb 1.8T HDD
loop0 63.2M HDD
loop1 67.8M HDD
loop2 48M HDD
loop3 49.7M HDD
sda 1.8T HDD
sdb 1.8T HDD

CPU: SHA256-hashing 500 MB
CPU: SHA256-hashing 500 MB
2.767 seconds
CPU: bzip2-compressing 500 MB
2.906 seconds
CPU: bzip2-compressing 500 MB
4.347 seconds
CPU: AES-encrypting 500 MB
4.227 seconds
CPU: AES-encrypting 500 MB
1.468 seconds

ioping: seek rate
1.462 seconds

ioping: seek rate
min/avg/max/mdev = 166.2 us / 5.19 ms / 53.7 ms / 5.09 ms
ioping: sequential read speed
min/avg/max/mdev = 169.7 us / 5.18 ms / 64.1 ms / 5.61 ms
ioping: sequential read speed
generated 3.10 k requests in 5.00 s, 776.2 MiB, 620 iops, 155.2 MiB/s

dd: sequential write speed
generated 2.44 k requests in 5.01 s, 611.2 MiB, 488 iops, 122.0 MiB/s

dd: sequential write speed
1st run: 33.00 MiB/s
1st run: 32.81 MiB/s
2nd run: 28.32 MiB/s
2nd run: 28.32 MiB/s
3rd run: 14.59 MiB/s
average: 25.24 MiB/s

3rd run: 14.59 MiB/s
average: 25.30 MiB/s

IPv4 speedtests
your IPv4: 188.165.195.xxxx

Cachefly CDN: IPv4 speedtests
your IPv4: 188.165.195.xxxx

Cachefly CDN: 43.23 MiB/s
Leaseweb (NL): 36.70 MiB/s
Leaseweb (NL): 67.30 MiB/s
Softlayer DAL (US): 43.00 MiB/s
Softlayer DAL (US): 0.00 MiB/s
Online.net (FR): 0.00 MiB/s
Online.net (FR): 75.75 MiB/s
OVH BHS (CA): 19.58 MiB/s
OVH BHS (CA): 25.14 MiB/s

IPv6 speedtests
your IPv6: 2001:41d0:2:xxxx

Leaseweb (NL): 18.08 MiB/s

IPv6 speedtests
your IPv6: 2001:41d0:2:xxxx

Leaseweb (NL): 33.14 MiB/s
Softlayer DAL (US): 7.60 MiB/s
Softlayer DAL (US): 0.00 MiB/s
Online.net (FR): 0.00 MiB/s
Online.net (FR): 21.35 MiB/s
OVH BHS (CA): 13.73 MiB/s

9.01 MiB/s
OVH BHS (CA): 23.71 MiB/s

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